Wednesday, July 15, 2009

CliffsNotes: Matt's Latest Blog on Moving

I can't seem to write a decent blog to save my life these days, so here's the CliffsNotes version of part of what I had intended on writing:

1. I have started browsing for cheap used cars in Minnesota via sites like Acquiring one would mean quicker and easier access to employment and therefore speeding up the process of getting myself into an ideal living situation. (read: rented place with a roommate/roommates. Separate bedrooms, naturally)

1-A. Speaking of an ideal living situation, If anyone knows of a place that I can stay at for minimal rent for a month (MAYBE two) while I job hunt- that information would be much appreciated.

2. A major setback in the moving process would be the literal moving part. I have stuff out here that just wouldn't be practical sending out via UPS like I did when I moved out here. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

3. I would love love LOVE to be back permanently by Christmas, but its too early for a promised time-frame. Also, I'm 90% sure that moving back that soon would require any help that anyone is willing to offer.

4. I know it sounds lame- but canceling my Beatles RockBand reservation is going to be a tough thing to do. If I don't get it before I move- it's probably not happening for AT LEAST a year. However- I'd rather be back in Minnesota than play a game, so I'll be canceling it the next time I go to FYE (the store it's reserved at).

5. Vinyl purchases will be a rarity from here on out. My trip to Minnesota was always meant to be my last major vinyl blitz.

6. I miss all of you guys back in Minnesota a ton and I'll keep you all posted on everything thats happening regarding my return home.