Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hate, Fear, and Condemnation

NOTE: If you did not read my previous post- don't start with this one. Its important to know where I'm coming from before reading the following post and the entry "Love, Empathy, and Compassion" helps a lot with that.

In my last post, I expressed my support of people seeking out comfort in religion. I still stand by that. However, one of the comments (left by my good friend Pedro - check out his blog: The Fawkes Hole) said something that I inspired me to write a follow-up. That comment was:

"You're a little more lenient towards religious groups than I tend to be"

This is still probably true. Haha ok, it IS true. Although there are things about more than a few religious groups that I find either wrong or flat out dangerous that I did not address. The major one being the treatment of homosexuals. (and for the sake of "because I feel like it"- I'm going to just focus on that issue in this post)

Christians (the loudest Christians, at least) seem to be all about attacking the homosexual life-style. Why? Because of a few short passages in the Old Testament. And you know what? I find it perfectly OK for people to find homosexuality as a sin in their personal beliefs. There is a key phrase there "in their personal beliefs". Here is my message for the people that feel that its a sin:
Ok, so you think homosexuality is wrong. Then don't engage in it, shut the hell up, and leave others that are gay alone! Believe what you will, but you can't openly condemn the love that two same-sex adults have for each other because of a personal religious belief. You just can't. And if you think that you are doing them a favor, well then you're an arrogant bastard.

I'll be honest, personally the thought of two dudes going at it grosses me out. But a lot of things gross me out. I'm not just going to go out and deny people the right to love each other just because the thought of their love life makes me feel icky. That would make me a prudish asshole. Plus, that would mean that there are plenty straight couples whose love I'd have to deny...

Here is my point to all of this: these religious organizations that are condemning homosexuality so loudly are destroying the word that is found in their scripture. Instead of showing the love that is the cornerstone of their faith, they are succumbing to- and breeding- hate, fear, and condemnation of others. They are dividing this world into irreconcilable factions. THEY are the ones tearing apart families- NOT homosexuals.

Many anti-gay groups cite that their reason for joining in on this "crusade" of theirs is that they believe that families are the glue that hold our society together.

I agree that families are the most important thing in shaping and developing our society. Thats why I am urging those engaged in this "crusade" to stop before they destroy what they claim to be fighting for.


Christopher McCarthy said...

Great Point. Love the part that says "THEY are the ones tearing apart families- NOT homosexuals."

BTW nice addition of music. Gotta love Rich Girl by Hall and Oates.

I was really disappointed when they couldn't pass Prop. 8 AGAIN. I mean California is like the gayest state ever, come on people!

Anonymous said...

I gotta be honest, I'm among those who think that religious institutions are basically destroying the human race. I have to really try to tolerate people's religious beliefs, because I have so many very religious friends, and there are days when I want to renounce all faith completely as being the worst sin of all.

But not today, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for taking forever in responding, I wanted my comment to be well informed, thoughtful, full of smart ideas, and able to express the full spectrum of my views on this issue in six sentences or less (so as not to steal the thunder of this excellent blog entry). I even dug out my old readings from my Politics class! (because I overdue things, as always).

*Finally*, after much thinking, I remembered this article I read earlier this year that so fully encompassed **exactly** how I feel on the issue that I've spent the last two days retracing my internet steps to find's the link:

Really, I can't think of a better way to say how I feel than the way the writer of this article put it. Some passages below:

"Religious objections to gay marriage are rooted(...)in custom and tradition--and, to talk turkey for a minute, a personal discomfort with gay sex that transcends theological argument--(...)But common practice changes—and for the better, as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. said, 'The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice.' The Bible endorses slavery, a practice that Americans now universally consider shameful and barbaric(...)A mature view of scriptural authority requires us, as we have in the past, to move beyond literalism. The Bible was written for a world so unlike our own, it's impossible to apply its rules, at face value, to ours."

"We cannot look to the Bible as a marriage manual, but we can read it for universal truths as we struggle toward a more just future(...)It speaks eloquently of the crucial role of families in a fair society and the risks we incur to ourselves and our children should we cease trying to bind ourselves together in loving pairs."

I urge you to read it, as it lines up with A LOT of the things you wrote here. Let me know what you think, and awesome entry :)

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